Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 15 Billings to Hardin

camp at the high school

Today’s an “easy” day (50 miles) so the “biker gang” stalled and searched for bars that televised the tour de france. No luck. We finally left for hardin at 9 instead of the original 7am departure time. When we found out that there’s a pool and hot tub we could access, it didn’t take long for us to get moving. Don’t know why dan didn’t tell us earlier. I ended up bonking on the first 15 miles because i had bfast at the normal time (630am) and had no fuel in me by the time we left. I didn’t pack my usual 3 gu packs, clif bar and nuun electrolytes. Instead I had only 2 gu’s and no clif bar and no nuun. I didn’t want to use my gu so early, but I had to do it. When the rest stop came I loaded up on some pbj’s and stuffed my jersey pockets with extra trail mix, just in case I get the munchies again. We get to camp about 3.5 hours later and we were in the pool 10 minutes later. Simon and I were testing out new dives. I tried to do a double front flip by got only 1 ¾ flips and landed on my flat on my back and received a standing ovation from the local swimmer. But, the funniest one was Kevin, a senior citizen and fellow BRAA rider, attempts a 1.5 front flip, but flips straight into a belly flop. yyyeeoouch...and the funny thing was, he did it twice.

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