Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wenatchee River Rafting

The night before we went for a night hike at Rattlesnake Trail, somewhere just outside seattle. We brought along, Chris, the photographer from last nights solstice moon skyline photo, and his dog daisy. We got to the trail pretty late because justin's (twin bro aka jeck) flight was delayed. We prepared for subzero temperatures because of last night at the photoshoot of the skyline (it was chilly yesteeday night, but i had my (cycling) arm warmers on so the cold didn't bother me none). mistake. just about every one was complaining about the distance of the hike, and how hot they were (esp jon), except for chris. who had on about 10 layers of clothing and a 35 lb backpack full of camera gear. we get to the top eventually despite not having batteries in my headlamp. snap a couple of photos, get blinded by the flash and we made our way back down. right as we approach our minivan, these behemoth animals are creeping around the trail. Jon asked,"um, are those bears up there?" and then bolted in the opposite direction, screaming like a sissy-gurl. i'm kidding about him bolting and screaming, but he is a sissy-gurl (the animals turned out to be dogs, newfoundlands to be exact.)
the next morning we grab some crumpets caked on some nutella and drove half way across washington to go white water rafting. They were class 3-4 rapids, not enough to kill you, but scary enough to almost crap your pants. the craziest was when jonathon (raft guide- great guide btw) asked jeck to sit at the front of the raft with his feet hanging off the edge holding the rope with only one hand, all this after witnessing the tour guide ahead of us get ejected 6 feet in the air from the raft after getting pounded from an 8 foot swell and jeck still did it and survived. dude, you rock.

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