Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 21 Rapid City to Kadoka 101 miles

Amy came knocking on my door because she was afraid I might be sleeping still. I rolled out of bed, packed up, crammed some oatmeal in my system for an “Easy” century. The first 30 miles went in a flash. We had 18 riders in a pace line going about 22 mph. We rode through Badlands National Park, containing the world’s richest Oligocene epoch fossil beds, dating 37-28 million years old, the evolutionary stories of mammals such as the horse and rhinoceros arise from the 244,000 acres of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles, and spires (wikipedia).

Steph drove me around part of the Badlands so i can do some drive-by’s soaking fellow BRAA riders with the toy water guns she bought me. I sprayed them down as I did my best scarface impersonation, “say hello to my little friend”. But then joe came outta no where and shot me right between the eyes. Weapons of Mass Destruction
Just outside the National Badlands, the world's largest Prairie Dog

I rode in the last half of rollers with Noah and Simon and set up camp at Kadoka where we met the Mayor, Life Gaurd and Officer of Kadoka

the mayor, life gaurd and officer of Kadoka

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